
Vol.23 No.3 2020 Dec.
A Mission of Community Health Nursing in New-normal Era
Miyuki Ishibashi 3
Research Reports
Experiences of a Mother Whose Child Was Taken Away by the Authorities
Akiko Kadoma 4
Experience of Parents with Mental Disorders Raising Children
Miho Iketani, Masako Kageyama 13
Visiting Nurses’ Recognition of Specified Medical Acts System in Home Care
Chizuyo Sato, Hiroko Suzuki, Masako Tomita, Kanako Murata 23
The Relationship between the Size of Local Government, and the Ability of Public Health Nurses to Recognize Children with Developmental Disorders along with the Consultations from Parents
Yuki Suda, Terumi Muramatsu 32
Actual Activities and Challenges of Voluntary Disaster Prevention Residents’ Organizations Assisting Individuals with Special Care Needs
Noriko Hosoya, Noriko Sato, Yuko Amamiya, Shima Ishikawa 39
The 23rd Annual Conference of JACHN : Presidential Address
Visualization of Community Potential and Gerontological Care
Ayumi Kono 47
Editor’s Note
Azusa Arimoto 55
