Committees : The Committee on Research Promotion
- 1) Purpose
- Promote the research activities of the Japan Academy of Community Health Nursing (JACHN) members by improving knowledge about research methodologies, and encouraging research exchange among members, thereby contributing to the development of community health nursing as an academic discipline.
- 2) Activity Plans
- (1) Organize seminars on research activities (at least once a year)
- a. Time: This seminar is held in parallel with the Academic Conference or other appropriate schedule.
- b. Topics: Methods of Literature review, Development of Scales, EBN/EBHP: methods of analysis, guidance, etc., Research on Social Epidemiology, Research Ethics, et al.
- * For more information on planning fiscal 2015, please check the accompanying flier.
- In fiscal 2016, we are planning a seminar; the draft title is “Development of Scales”.
- (2) Promotion of research exchange among members
- (3) Other
- * We welcome your comments and suggestions about the activity plans.
- The Committee members and affiliations:
- List of Committee Members(Red:Chair, Blue:Co-chair)
Junko Omori Tohoku University Kyoko Izumi Mukogawa Women's University Hideko Kitaoka Kanagawa University of Human Services Michiyo Hirano Hokkaido University Atsushi Matsunaga Tohoku University Eri Mochida Oizumi Town Hall Ruriko Yamashita International University of Health and Welfare